Project Official selection 2024

Bioenhancing ecological concrete vertical breakwater

A project supported by: Port Authority of Malaga

Completion date: 2022

To sum up

The evolution of maritime traffic, and in particular the collapse of oil traffic, led the Port authority of Malaga to define a new development strategy at the very beginning of the 2000s including, an extension plan to attract new traffic and a plan to transform the internal docks, which bordered the city, and whose use had decreased. The aim was to transform these areas into an active part of the city, including cultural and leisure spaces while maintaining port activity compatible with urban functions. Taking advantage of Malaga’s geographical location, the port has also developed a range of services dedicated to welcoming megayachts. The complete redevelopment of the public spaces adjacent to the quays and the installation of the only headquarters of the Pompidou Museum outside France have completed the project to transform the eastern part of the port into an emblematic tourist site.

In addition to these development, the Port authority of Malaga has now embarked on work to preserve biodiversity and improve port resilience with the installation of a vertical breakwater in the marina using ECOncrete technology.

Also under study are

  • Electrification of the quays to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships and noise pollution;
  • Installation of a vacuum sewer, through pipes, being a more sustainable system for the urban environment, since it prevents the flow of trucks. In addition, the so-called Seabin, a waste collection device at sea, has been installed.

All of these projects are part of the Green Port initiative, aimed at strengthening the port’s environmental commitments.

View of the rehabilitation project of the eastern area of the port of Malaga completed in the early 2010s

Positioning of the project in relation to the Agenda 2030’s goals*

*According to the Port Authority of Malaga

Directly relatedIndirectly relatedNot related
Goal 1: Climate change adaptationx
Goal 2: Energy transition & circular economyx
Goal 3: Sustainable mobilityx
Goal 4: Renewed governancex
Goal 5: Investing in humanx
Goal 6: Port Culture & Identityx
Goal 7: Quality food for allx
Goal 8: Port city interfacex
Goal 9: Health & life qualityx
Goal 10: Protecting biodiversityx

 Learn more about the AIVP commitment: Commitment – AIVP

Outstanding features:

  • ECOconcrete bio-enhancing concrete technology enhances the development of marine habitats and the resilience of port infrastructure to extreme weather events.
  • Collaborative approach involving stakeholders from different sectors, including local authorities, port authorities, environmental experts and the community.
  • Development of employment opportunities in innovative construction techniques.
  • Improved water quality allowing the development of new recreational activities such as fishing.

Images of the project

About the Port Authority of Malaga

The Port of Malaga is one of 46 ports of general interest belonging to the publicly-owned Spanish port system. A medium-sized port, it specialises in dry bulk traffic (mainly cereals), ro-ro traffic and passenger traffic (cruise and ferry).

Learn more about:

Malaga Port Authority

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