Project Official selection 2024

From the Biblical Port to a leader in innovation and sustainability

A project supported by: Atarim Group by Tel Aviv-Jaffa municipality

Completion date: 2023

To sum up

The rehabilitation of the historic port of Jaffa is a pioneering project that has revitalized a 4,000-year-old heritage site into a modern center for culture, community, research, and tourism, attracting over 9 million visitors a year. From conception to completion, the emphasis has been on innovative planning, sustainable development, interculturality, preserving the historical heritage of one of the oldest ports on the eastern Mediterranean coast, and involving the local community. The project also promotes the development of renewable energies and the blue economy through support for fishing, marine education and non-motorized water sports activities.

The project consists in the renovation of three warehouses and the adjoining public spaces. The first two include a cultural space, an Arab-Hebrew theatre for children and youth, a playhouse for young children children, as well as a fishing market, and storage areas for fishermen. The third warehouse which is a colorful container hangar, hosts the local business community. Daily, it functions as a publicly open open-space for students, remote workers, and taking meetings. Additionally, it’s used for events, conferences and exhibitions. It also includes second-hand shops, residences for young artists, social activities, and educational initiatives. To the east of Warehouse 3, the “container square” which is reused for sunshades and seating, connecting the port with Jaffa city.

Design: Kisselow Kaye Architects, 1to1 Landscape by Havi Livne

Positioning of the project in relation to the Agenda 2030’s goals*

*According to ATARIM Group

Directly relatedIndirectly relatedNot related
Goal 1: Climate change adaptationx
Goal 1: Energy transition & circular economyx
Goal 1: Sustainable mobilityx
Goal 1: Renewed governancex
Goal 1: Investing in humanx
Goal 1: Port Culture & Identityx
Goal 1: Quality food for allx
Goal 1: Port city interfacex
Goal 1: Health & life qualityx
Goal 1: Protecting biodiversityx

Learn more about the AIVP commitment : Agenda 2030 by AIVP

Outstanding features

  • An energy consumption strategy has been defined based on the production of energy from renewable sources: solar energy thanks to photovoltaic cells installed on the warehouse roofs, wave energy thanks to dedicated buoys installed on the piers, and wind energy thanks to the installation of a turbine;
  • Facilities has been created to help maintain and develop local communities such as fishermen, marine scouts, urban maritime education and Arab-Jewish theatre groups;
  • Innovation and the blue econommy are encouraged, in particular by providing beta sites that have led to the development of start-ups that are now leaders in their field, such as ECOncrete and EcoWave Power;
  • Maritime containers has been reused and recycled as urban furnitures, among other things;
  • Sustainable and diversified local economy is promoted, based on reuse and recycling, notably through the use of educational panels and the organisation of workshops and conferences for adults, children and student groups;
  • The fishing industry is showcased by setting up a walking path lead up to the fishing boats.

Images of the project

About ATARIM Group

Atarim Group, an Urban Corporation, leads the development and management of the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Coastline by focusing on sustainable development and innovative urban initiatives to enhance the cityscape while sustaining the future. By maintaining a commitment to sustainability, Atarim Group seeks to enrich the overall quality of life for visitors and locals alike, creating a dynamic and harmonious environment for all to enjoy, along the coastline.

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