Project Official selection 2024

The PIER (Port Innovation, Engagement and Research) at Halifax Seaport

A project supported by: Halifax Port Authority

Completion date: 2021

To sum up

The PIER (Port Innovation, Engagement, and Research) is a collaborative space dedicated to logistics innovation. Its members work on projects to improve the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability of global supply chains for the benefit of the community. This project is part of the Port of Halifax’s ambition to create an innovation hub that brings together the start-up community, universities, transport companies with global reach, industry leaders, and government decision-makers. The creation of this ecosystem is based on three pillars: supply chain logistics, the interconnected port city, and the link with public development policies.

PIER was set up in an underused port warehouse. Every weekend, it housed a farmers’ market, welcoming residents and tourists, but remained unoccupied for the rest of the week. The outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic was an opportunity to rethink the occupation and organization of the site. Renovation work was undertaken to convert it into a center for innovation. The farmers’ market was relocated with success to a new site.

The redesigned building includes a classroom, meeting rooms, a dynamic presentation wall with audio-visual capabilities, and breakout areas for casual discussions and brainstorming. Events and programming include tours, presentations, student challenges, lunch and learn between PIER members, industry receptions, hack-a-thons, PIER member days, special announcements, and One Port City Day, an annual event that brings the larger community to the Seaport.

There now are over 50 PIER members including multinationals and smaller companies, developing and testing their projects, learning from each other, and identifying areas where they can collaborate to find solutions to challenges facing the global transportation industry. Members can write a challenge statement and through The PIER, share it with industry and innovation players, including small businesses, start-ups, and universities, that may be able to help us solve the problem.

Positioning of the project in relation to the Agenda 2030’s goals*

*According to the Port Authority of Halifax

Directly relatedIndirectly relatedNot related
Goal 1: Climate change adaptationx
Goal 2: Energy transition & circular economyx
Goal 3: Sustainable mobilityx
Goal 4: Renewed governancex
Goal 5: Investing in humanx
Goal 6: Port Culture & Identityx
Goal 7: Quality food for allx
Goal 8: Port city interfacex
Goal 9: Health & life qualityx
Goal 10: Protecting biodiversityx

 Learn more about the AIVP commitment: Commitment – AIVP

Outstanding features:

  • Creation of a physical space dedicated to innovation,
  • Re-use of industrial buildings that were not being used to their full potential,
  • Creation of a network of port innovation hubs (PINs) with homePORT in Hamburg and Opentop in Valencia,
  • Working with Hamburg to develop a green corridor in which PIER projects will be integrated,
  • Support for projects promoting sustainability, access to employment, the digital transition, and environmental protection.

Images of the project

About Halifax Port Authority

Offering a natural, deep harbor and big ship infrastructure, the Port of Halifax meets the needs of today’s shipping, cargo, and cruise operations, while building for the future with our focus on the three key pillars of community, economics, and environment.

Halifax Harbour is also mandted to develop, market, and manage federally-owned marine industrial land in the harbor and all adjacent federal waters for regional and national economic benefit.

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