International recognition
The AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht is the only international recognition dedicated to port cities that have carried out an outstanding development project that contributes to improving port city relations.
Apply now to gain the recognition of your peers and benefit from the AIVP’s worldwide profile!
Our ambitions
The AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht aims to highlight outstanding port city development projects in line with the sustainable development goals identified in the Agenda 2030 of the AIVP. The Prize seeks to recognize the excellence and innovation of these projects and the way they address port cities’ environmental, social, and economic issues.
Celebrate the port city relation
Reward port authorities and/or local or regional authorities with development strategies that enhance the port city relation.
Reward the best practices
Promote the most innovative development projects at the port city interface zones.
Design the future of the port city
Support maritime and river port cities of the world in their sustainable development projects in line with the sustainable development goals in the Agenda 2030 b y AIVP.
Share and disseminate
Disseminate the best practices in the planning and the development of port cities.
Eligibility criteria

1/ You are a port authority and/or a local or regional authority.
2/ You have completed in the last three years a development project located in a port city interface zone.
3/ Your project is part of a global development strategy for the port city and seeks to enhance the port city relations.
4/ Is your project in line with one or more of the sustainable development goals identified in the Agenda 2030 by AIVP.
Become the 1st winner of the AIVP Antoine Rufenacht Prize and put your city on the global map of sustainable port cities!
The Prize selection process
The winner of the AIVP Antoine Rufenacht Prize will be chosen following
a selection process carried out in 3 stages:
1/ Validation of applications
The AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht’s teams will review all entries to ensure that they meet all the eligibility criteria to apply. If this is the case, applicant projects will enter the official selection. If it is not they will be eliminated.
2/ Applications analysis
The Expert panel, led by Prof. Dr-ing. Carola Hein will assess each entry and deliberate to identify 5 maximum projects to be voted on by the Grand jury.
3/ Selection of the winner
The final decision will be taken by the Grand jury under the responsibility of Geraldine Knatz, based both on the expert panel recommendations and an in-person interview of the finalists.
The Agenda 2030 by AIVP
AIVP’s 2030 Agenda is the world’s first initiative to adapt the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the specific context of Port city relations.
The document published in 2018 sets down 10 goals to be achieved by 2030 and 46 measures for action. Each one of them is connected to several UN SDGs.
The Agenda 2030 of the AIVP was submitted to the UN in 2019 as the contribution of port cities to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of the partnership initiated between the AIVP and this international institution. It aims to inspire port and city actors to draw up action plans and strategies that contribute to promoting sustainable development in maritime and river port cities.
The evaluation process for the AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht will be based on the main sustainable development goals of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP.
Highlight your projects
By applying for the AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht, your project will benefit from increased recognition according to each stage of the selection process thanks to the AIVP’s worldwide profile.
1/ The project meets the prize’s main eligibility criteria:
- It will enter the official selection and will be promoted through publications on the Prize’s website and social media.
- The Expert panel will assess the project. Depending on its decision, your project may be listed as a good practice of Agenda 2030 by AIVP.
2/ The project is one of the finalists:
- Applicants will be interviewed by the Grand jury during an in-person meeting in Le Havre (France).
- Applicants will benefit from a higher visibility including a special highlighting during the AIVP World Conference.
3/ Your project is selected as the winner of the AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht:
- An official rewarding ceremony will be held during the AIVP World Conference in Lisbon.
- Representatives of the winning project will receive a special recognition exclusively dedicated to the winner.
Antoine Rufenacht

An avant-garde vision of the port city
Antoine Rufenacht was a highly respected French businessman and politician, who was Mayor of the city of Le Havre from 1995 and 2010. He was also the founding chairman of the AIVP from 1988 to 2002. He was first and foremost a Le Havre man, a devoted citizen of this French port city that suffered tremendous hardship during the Second World War and was unloved by its residents, widely mocked and misunderstood. Antoine Rufenacht sought to grasp what made it unique. He was quick to recognize the interlinkages between a city’s influence and the port’s appeal and saw that it is mutually beneficial to transcend the boundaries that separate the city and the port. Everything he did was guided by his visionary approach to development, resulting as a series of interlaced steps forming a coherent and indissociable whole, which combines his understanding of globalization and the role of port cities in the world, his open-mindedness, and his ambitions for Le Havre. His efforts radically transformed his city’s image and identity.
The AIVP Antoine Rufenacht Prize pays tribute to a man of action and dialogue, and his far-sighted understanding of the port city as a coherent urban ensemble built for the long term, with an avant-garde vision.
“I think Antoine Rufenacht would be delighted that this prize could help to encourage creativity and emulation between port cities, and I’m sure he would be thrilled to see that we are working together to showcase the best of the best of these projects”.

Edouard Philippe
Président de l’AIVP
Maire du Havre
Ancien Premier Ministre