Project Official selection 2024

Saint Louis Nautical Pole

A project supported by: Port Sud de France

Completion date: 2022

To sum up

This project is the culmination of a long process for the creation of an emblematic place of the Sète Frontignan site. It aimed to create a welcoming and gathering space for the nautical stakeholders, with a focus on the Port-City interface. The primary objective of this architectural project is to promote boating through local actors, and to create a link around the sea. The building fits into its surroundings, thanks to an architectural bias, the use of raw concrete reminiscent of the mineral nature of the site. Regarding its location, an emblematic place of the city of Sète (Môle St Louis, lighthouse), the port has worked closely with the city through the various urban planning departments and the architect of the Buildings of France, to create a building that becomes a strong port-city interface symbol.

The construction program was carried out together with the various associations already present on the site and which were present in aging modular buildings. The construction of a new building creates accessible spaces and allows associations that form the social link between the sea’s various actors to welcome the public in the best conditions possible, thanks to quality meeting areas.

A great diversity of activities is present within the Nautical Pole, be they sporting activities (kayaking, sailing, sea walks, etc.), catering, or fun activities concerning the sea, all hinged on quality facilities. All these services are open to the public thanks to the distribution of spaces, making it possible to boost the attractiveness of the site, and to increase tourism in this sector.

This project shows Port Sud de France’s desire to offer a friendly place and a suitable working tool adapted to local stakeholders, whilst being as exemplary as possible using environmentally friendly materials and techniques. The project is part of the 2021-2025 strategic plan of the marina to strengthen the service’s quality and its yacht reception capacity with the creation of new services and the port area animation.

Conception: NHJ Architects

Positioning of the project in relation to the Agenda 2030’s goals*

*According to the Port Sud de France

Directly relatedIndirectly relatedNot related
Goal 1: Climate change adaptationx
Goal 2: Energy transition & circular economyx
Goal 3: Sustainable mobilityx
Goal 4: Renewed governancex
Goal 5: Investing in humanx
Goal 6: Port Culture & Identityx
Goal 7: Quality food for allx
Goal 8: Port city interfacex
Goal 9: Health & life qualityx
Goal 10: Protecting biodiversityx

 Learn more about the AIVP commitment: Commitment – AIVP

Outstanding features:

  • Installation of an innovant water treatment process that aims to reduce water consumption in the careening area close by;
  • The building’s outer coating was implemented by crushing oyster shells. These shells are recovered waste from oyster farms in the surrounding basin. Using this material forms part of a desire to integrate a circular economy and the enhancement of local products, with a low environmental impact;
  • The Saint Louis Nautical Pole was designed in close collaboration with the City of Sète, and by fully including local nautical stakeholders in its operation.
  • The restaurant, that’s at the end of the building and offers an opening lo the sea, is the highlight of a tourist walk, linking the city and the port directly. The operation of the restaurant on the site was put in competition via a call for projects, with a particular rating. lndeed, the selected restaurateur is committed to offer local, seasonal products in his menu and to promote short local supply circuits.
  • The project was design in such a way that the public can enter it freely from the Promenade du Môle, thereby offering a vision of the port and the sea. The project was fully integrated into the surrounding landscape, and therefore allows a real continuity between the city’s and the port’s activities.

Images of the project

About Port Sud de Frane (Port of Sète)

The port of Sète-Frontignan, owned by the Occitanie Region, is operated by the Etablissement Public Régional Port Sud de France (Regional Public Establishment Port Sud de France). It is divided into three concessions: The Commercial, the Fisheries and the Leisure Ports.

Learn more about:

The Port of Sète

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